Innovative Solutions for SUstainability in Education (ISSUE)

Since November 2018, CBS is working on a transnational research project under the ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnership project (2018-1-HU01-KA202-047730) together with partners from Slovenia, Hungary, Spain, Finland and the UK.

The ISSUE project partnership works on developing various education tools based on principles and goals of sustainable development and adapting them for higher educational institutions. Higher education institutions should ensure that their governance, faculty, staff and students not only understand sustainability, but also have the capacity to act sustainably and promote sustainable practices. To reach this goal, ISSUE is developing innovative content and tools with modern pedagogical approaches. Next to educational tools, the project also incorporates fields of sustainable reporting practices and green office design.

In the development of an innovative summer school program, CBS will be working closely together with its project partners as well as incorporate students in the development process of the program. The summer school was planned for the summer of 2020 but has been cancelled due to Coronavirus restrictions.

Want to get more information?
Visit the ISSUE project Homepage here.

Project Outputs


IO1 – Integrated Reporting Manual (LBU)

IO2 – Methodology Handbook and Cases (CEEMAN)

Training material development

IO3-IO6: Sustainability Toolbox – Interactive Solutions:

IO3 – 21-Day Challenge (LUT)

IO4 – Future Sustainability Manager Summer School Programme (CBS)

IO5 – Green Office Concept for Universities (INFODEF)

IO6 – Sustainability “Escape Room” (BBS)

Multiplier events and dissemination materials

Pilot trainings of the sustainability toolbox in the partner countries

Summer school programme in Hungary with the participation of students and trainers from all partners

Multiplier events – Workshops and conferences in 5 countries (Hungary, Slovenia, the UK, Germany and Finland)

Dissemination materials – Project flyers, website (BCSDH)

Erasmus+ KA2 ISSUE Project Partners


Budapest Business School


Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary


CBS International Business School


The International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies


Bled School of Management


Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training


Leeds Beckett University


Lappeenranta Technical University

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The CBS International Business School has been part of the Stuttgart Klett Group since 2016.
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