Food for Thought – A Lecture Series on Re-thinking and Transforming our Tomorrow

We live in a complex and ever-changing world. How can business contribute to solving the various crises we face? How can we ensure a prosperous and just future for people and planet? How does digitalization affect our climate? Is it possible to reach total transparency within our supply chains? How can we make sure AI is operating in responsible ways?

Throughout the semester, we are excited to bring you insights and discussions on those and many other interesting topics regarding the transformations currently reshaping society and business. Join us online to learn, discuss and re-think the way we live, work and do business!

Everyone taking part in at least four sessions of the lecture series will receive a participation certificate at the end of the semester. Please register for each session of the lecture series seperately through our CBS Career Service.



Last year CBS applied for the project “Eine Uni – Ein Buch” with the book “Invisible Women – Exposing Data Bias In A World Designed For Men” by Caroline Criado-Perez and won. Caroline Criado-Perez’s book is about the gender data gap, which describes how a large part of the scientific data on which our modern world is based was almost exclusively collected by and for men. This semester, the 1U1B Team organized the Food for Thought lecture series in collaboration with the Center of Advanced Sustainable Management (CASM) with the topic Mind the Gap!.

We will offer you a range of interesting lectures for change-makers and future thinkers throughout the semester.


José Antonio Morales – Founding & Managing Partner at Lincoln Island Initiative

In his lecture, he shared a perspective on building the next version of our civilization: A civilization built on top of freedom, not fear. He believes entrepreneurship is the fuel and responsible business practices are the method. 
Today we sense that the old economic system does not work for us anymore. We see the cracks in our modern societies, and many of us want to take action. We want to build a new system, new foundations. Are you one of those who want to take action and build a better world? Can your entrepreneurial spirit empower you and inspire others to create the next level of human society? 


Kamil Barbarski – Search Inside Yourself Institute

Most people realize that openness, collaboration and sometimes even failure, are necessary to enable innovation. However, it is difficult to integrate this into everyday life, because up to 90% of our behavior is determined by unconscious habits and emotions. Through emotional agility and mindfulness, we can cultivate the awareness of these inner processes and the openness to change them (Capgemini, Emotional Intelligence Report, 2019). Google’s Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program takes an evidence-based approach combining neuroscience, attention-training and emotional intelligence. The program provides practical tools that can be applied immediately in life or at work and allow for deep transformations through accessible and practical content. 
Join us for a transformative session with Kamil where you will get a first taste of the SIY program and can explore the power of mindfulness and emotional intelligence to lead a more focused and purposeful life. 

Julia Drefahl – Sparda Bank Munich 

Julia studied International Business at CBS and graduated in 2009. In her job at Sparda Bank Munich, Julia is responsible for Sustainability and Communications Management. One of her main topics is the “Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie” (GWÖ). The Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie is an economic model centered on the idea that companies should be committed to human dignity, solidarity and social justice, environmental sustainability and transparency and co-determination. In this session, Julia gave us an insight into her daily work and brought us closer to the topic of the Common Good Economy.

Jonathan Funke – Tipme

The vision of TipMe is a world in which fair products are a normality. Their mission is to provide solutions for fair value chains. TipMe wants to strengthen transparency and responsibility in supply chains and support consumers in making informed and sustainable decisions. To do this, they use the digital opportunities of our time. Jonathan gave us a behind the scenes insight on what it’s really like to found a (social) company and whether it could be something for you.

For more information, visit their website here.

CSR Student Team

In our Students for Students Edition, the focus was on fashion and its devastating impacts on the environment. Every year, 13 million tons of clothes end up in landfills even though about 95% of this amount could be either reused or recycled – but solutions are in sight! We discussed how the fair fashion label Armed Angels rethinks fashion and took the challenge to create a circular tee that is 50% made from recycled t-shirts. Additionally, we discussed what you as a consumer should watch out for when shopping “sustainable”. #fashion #circularity #greenwashing #recycle

For more Information about the CSR Student Team, visit their website here.

“GreenIX” at LeanIX

On March 27th, we welcomedChristoph Walpert (Product Manager) and CBS Alumnus Haden Cosman  (Customer Success Manager) from LeanIX.  LeanIX is a young company offering software-as-a-service (SaaS) to manage enterprise architecture and multi-cloud environments. In their session on “GreenIX” at LeanIX - Pushing Sustainability Beyond your Job Description Christoph and Haden talked about sustainability engagement beyond the formal role as CSR manager and shared their insights on how to push sustainable initiatives bottom-up – No matter your future role in a company.

For more information, visit their website here.


In our second Food for Thought lecture Daniel Bartel & Manuel Müller shared there experience in the fields of innovation and social entrepreneurship. They talked about how to enable and accellerate innovative business models for a more equitable and sustainable future and dive deeper into the approaches of lean impact and social entrepreneurship in their interactive session.
Moreover, Daniel and Manuel are both passionate and active advocates for the economy for the common good approach (Gemeinwohlökonomie) and sustainable impact measurement. Thus, in this session we met two Social Entrepreneurs, that are trying to change the way innovation and business is done in the future. We were inspired by their stories and good examples of how a business can be used as a force of Good. Together with Social Innovation, Lean Impact and the Economy of Common Good we explored together and interactively how to create a regenerative and sustainable future.

For more information, visit their website here. 

Die Klimakrise – das Ende des Normalen!

Der Ausdruck „Das Ende des Normalen“ mag harmlos klingen, aber er besagt nichts weniger, als dass wir die Umweltbedingungen, die es dem Menschen innerhalb der letzten 10000 Jahren gestatteten, zu dem zu werden, was er ist, bereits hinter uns gelassen haben. In meinem Vortrag möchte ich den neuesten Stand der Forschung präsentieren und die einzelnen „drohenden“ Kipppunkte im Klimasystem erklären. 

Wir freuten uns am 26. Februar, Dr. Susanne Rohs als Referentin für einen überwältigen Vortrag in der Vorlesungsreihe zu begrüßen. Manches ist schon jetzt nicht mehr zu verhindern, aber wir können auch vieles noch abwenden, wenn wir jetzt schnell und drastisch gegensteuern.


Let there be Transparency: Why a Supply Chain Law can be vital in reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

On Tuesday,  November 10th 2020, the CBS welcomed:

Corinna Weinmiller, Head of Sustainability, Nestlé
Alexander Nowroth, Founder & CEO Lebenswerk Consulting
Dr. Christiane Hellar, Deputy Director Foundation of Business Ethics

Matthias Mühlen

Nachhaltigkeit in Sport & Profifußball -Alumni meet Campus x Food for Thought

On Tuesday, November 3rd 2020, we welcomed Matthias Mühlen from VFL Bochum on the topic of sustainability in sport & professional football.

Matthias Mühlen ist Leiter Corporate Social Responsibility des VfL Bochum.

Sustainability Days October 26-28th 2020

Game Changers!

The motto of the Sustainability Days organized by the CSR Student Team is “Game Changers”. The invited companies showed us how they have put their focus on the integration of sustainability & have rethought business processes in a sustainable way. They have thus made themselves into”GameChangers” in their industry and show that this approach can be very successful. In addition, change management becomes important again in this context. So how do we make changes really successful, both in the company and in society?

You want to read more about the previous Sustainability Days? Click HERE.

The CSR Student Team is a student initiative consisting of voluntary members. They are interested in promoting topics such as​ corporate social & environmental responsibility and gender equality.

Get to know the CSR Team HERE.

Stefan Maier

Gemeinwohlökonomie in der Praxis – Einblicke aus dem IT Sektor oder: Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung in schwierigen Zeiten

„Es gibt kein richtiges Leben im falschen.“ Nach diesem, von Theodor W. Adorno formulierten Leitsatz richtet Stefan Maier sein Leben und unternehmerisches Handeln aus.
Unternehmen entstehen und gedeihen auf dem Fundament unserer Gesellschaft und unserer Umwelt. Somit ist für Stefan jedes Unternehmen und jeder Unternehmer in der Pflicht, zur Erhaltung dieser Lebensbedingungen beizutragen und zurückzugeben.

Stefan spannte den Bogen von seiner persönlichen Motivation nachhaltig zu wirtschaften, hin zu erstrebenswerten Wirtschaftsmodellen und zurück zu seinem Unternehmen.
Er schilderte dabei den Weg der Prior1 in die Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie und die damit entstehenden Herausforderungen.

Stefan Maier ist Mensch, Freund, Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Prior1 GmbH in St. Augustin. Als kompromissbefreiter Umweltschützer setzt er seit vielen Jahren zunehmend auf eine nachhaltige Ausrichtung des Unternehmens. Auf diese Weise werden nicht nur Ressourcen geschont und neue geschaffen, auch die Wahrnehmung als attraktiver Arbeitgeber zahlt sich für ihn als klarer Wettbewerbsvorteil aus.

Mehr über Stefan Maier:

CSR Student Team

Growing Greener Cities – Biodiversity & Urban Planning

As our world evolves quickly, urban cities are continuously growing and our rich biodiversity is threatened by human activities, pollution, climate change and population growth. To protect our ecosystems and therefore biodiversity our cities need to become greener.

Urban Gardening – a process to grow plants of all types in an urban environment supports the vision to preserve biodiversity and provides environmental, social and health benefits for its beneficiaries. Furthermore, it can benefit the society in the difficult times. The city of Nantes after the Covid-19 crisis has made out 50 green public sites, vegetable gardens to offer it to the people in need. People that lost their jobs and don’t have enough money to eat fresh food were helped. In total 25 tonnes of vegetables have been harvested in 25 000m². There are already so many more great pilot projects and examples of this out there!

In their presentation, the CSR Student Team explained the concepts of biodiversity, how Urban Gardening helps to preserve our biodiversity, examples, tips and tricks for your own Urban Gardening projects and plans for the CBS Urban Gardening Project.

CSR Student Team is a student initiative consisting of voluntary members . They are interested in promoting topics such as​ corporate social and environmental responsibility​ and gender equality. Read more HERE

Hannah Helmke 

What is the temperature of a company and how can it be reduced to a healthy below 2°C? An Economic Climate Impact Analysis

Climate Impact Analyses are necessary to make the contribution of human activities to climate change tangible and to derive appropriate mitigation strategies. As global warming is becoming more and more of an economic reality, robust tools for measuring the impact are particularly important. The science-based X-Degree Compatibility (XDC) model from right. based on science calculates the contribution of an economic unit, be it a company or a whole portfolio, to global warming under consideration of different scenarios. The result answers the question by how many °C the earth would warm up until 2050 if every company would operate as emission-intensive as the one under consideration. This analysis helps companies to better steer their activities towards a <2°C world.

In her presentation, Hannah explained more about why it is so urgent for businesses to contribute to the 2°C goal of the Paris Agreement, introduced the Climate Impact Analysis using the XDC model and discussed different use cases. In addition, the “right. open” project were presented: here the code of the XDC model were shared with scientists to enable an open professional discussion of the model.

Hannah Helmke studied International Business at CBS. She is now founder and managing director of right. based on science and winner of the Next Economy Award in the category “Change”.

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The Klett Group is a leading educational company in Europe and is represented internationally in 17 countries. Its product range includes classic and modern educational media for everyday school life as well as lesson preparation, specialist literature and fine literature. In addition, the Klett Group operates numerous educational facilities ranging from day care centres and schools to distance learning schools, distance learning colleges and universities. Further information can be found at
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