During the summer semester 2021, the CSR student team organized lecture series, called Make Us Visible. During the semester we welcomed many women who shared their career and life stories and gave us a lot of tips for our future career path.

The kick-off event was the International Womens Day on March 8th.

Follow us on our journey.

International Womens Day March 8th 2021

Angelika Aigner – Senior Vice President at Bosch – Monday, 8th of March, 11-12:30 pm – Dialog 

Angelika Aigner holds a degree in Business Administration at RWTH Aachen University. After her graduation she joined the German company Bosch in 1996. Since 2018, Angelika Aigner is the plant manager in Reutlingen on the level of a Senior Vice President. She is responsible for the worldwide manufacturing network of power electronics, steering and radar within the division of Automotive Electronics. We were excited to learn more about her experience in a leadership position and the exchange and discussion with students. 

Britta Behrens – Volz Personalberatung – Monday, 8th of March, 3-4 pm – Vortrag zur Sichtbarkeit und Personal Branding auf LinkedIn 

Britta Behrens zeigte in ihrem 30-minütigen Vortrag, welches Potenzial in LinkedIn steckt, die Plattform für das eigene Personal Branding und digitale Sichtbarkeit einzusetzen. Sie gab uns Tipps und Tricks wie LinkedIn funktioniert, wie und welchen Content man für den Aufbau seiner Personal Brand einsetzen sollte und wie qualitatives Networking funktioniert. LinkedIn bietet enorrme Reichweiten und gibt einem Tools an die Hand sich und sein Unternehmen optimal zu repräsentieren. Anschließend blieb uns noch ausreichend Zeit für Fragen. 

Ilayda Samilgil – CEO & Co-Founder of Organic Robotics Corporation –  Monday 8th of March, 5-6:30 pm   

After graduating 2019 from the Cornell University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Ilayda Samilgil founded her company Organic Robotics Corporation in Rochester, New York (USA). Organic Robotics Corporation developed Light Lace which is based on fiber-optic technology. Light Lace can be integrated into garments and shoes in order to help athletes in avoiding injuries. 

As a CEO, Ilayda already gained valuable insights on how to lead a company at a young age and intersperse in a man driven field.  

Make Us Visible

Christine Kroneberg – Female Resources – Montag 15.03.2021, 12-12:45 Uhr, Dialog: “Gehen Sie mit Frauen in Führung

Christine Kronenberg ist Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin bei FEMALE RESOURCES, wobei sie u.a. Frauen durch Cross-Mentoring- und Mentoring-Projekte ermutigt, in Führung zu gehen. Dies sieht sie als ihre persönliche Mission. Dabei hat sie schon zahlreiche Kölner Top-Unternehmen für ihr 2016 gegründetes Bündnis MIT FRAUEN IN FÜRHUNG gewinnen können und kooperiert mit vielen einflussreichen Persönlichkeiten und Kölner MACHERINNEN, unteranderem unserer Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker. Zuvor war sie Amtsleiterin und leitende Stadtverwaltungsdirektorin bei der Stadt Köln, wo sie für Gender- und Personalthemen verantwortlich war. Sie blickt auf eine langjährige Erfahrung in Führungspositionen zurück und schreitet somit als Vorbild für viele Frauen voran. 

Am 15.03.21 erzählte Christine Kronenberg uns von Ihrem Werdegang, von der Gründung Ihres Kölner Bündnis MIT FRAUEN IN FÜHRUNG und gab uns Tipps und Einblicke, wie Frauen in Führung und Spitzenpositionen gelangen können. 

Stefanie Marx, BÜGGEL – unverpackt Laden, Dienstag 16.03.2021, 11-12:30 Uhr 

Stefanie Marx ist Gründerin des unverpackt Laden BRÜGGEL. Sie erklärte uns, wie aus einer Idee am Familientisch ihr Traum zur Realität wurde. Sie berichtete einerseits von der Relevanz der sozialen Netzwerke und andererseits von den Herausforderungen und Freuden der Selbstständigkeit. Außerdem berichtete sie, wie wir die Welt von morgen bei jedem Einkauf ein Stückchen nachhaltiger gestalten können. Wir sind gespannt auf diesen Vortrag, ganz im Sinne von Nachhaltigkeit und #creatingtomorrow!  

Wer gerne noch mehr über Stefanie erfahren möchte kann sich ihr Interview mit der Rheinisch Bergisch Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft durchlesen https://www.rbw.de/geschaeftsmodell-muellvermeidung.aspx und ihrem Instagram Account bueggel_bergisch_unverpackt folgen. 

Anna Zeitler, Femnet e.V.Donnerstag 18.03.21, 16:15 –17:45 Uhr – Workshop zur Frauenrechte und geschlechtsspezifische Diskriminierung in der Textilindustrie

In dem ersten Workshop mit Anna Zeitler von der Organisation Femnet e.V. lernen wir mehr über die prekären Arbeitssituationen von Frauen in der Textilindustrie kennen. Ziel ist es die Schwierigkeiten der strukturellen Organisierung informeller Beschäftigung zu verstehen. Wir diskutieren, ob sich die Situation von Frauen durch die Arbeit in der Textil-und Bekleidungsindustrie verbessert und wie wir uns als Zivilgesellschaft aktiv für die Rechte von Frauen einsetzen können. 

Yvonne von de Finn, Anja Karlstads und Hannah KloseMonday 22nd of March, 12:00 – 12:45 pm – Discussion about Networking, Career Planning and the Kemal Business World

Yvonne von de Finn has worked in human resources for over 20 years in various companies and industries. She started at Dresdner Bank in Frankfurt and then moved to L’Oreal, where she worked for over 12 years in Germany and abroad. After a stopover as HR Manager at Haribo, she has now been working internationally as Head of Culture, Diversity and Survey at Deutsche Telekom for 4.5 years. Yvonne is married, lives in Bonn and has 2 children aged 13 and 15.

Hannah Klose was born in Heidelberg and lived in Thailand, Spain and the USA. After studying in Cologne at the CBS International Business School, she moved to Munich where she discovered the world of start-ups for herself. Since then, the dynamic world of founders has not let her go. In addition to her job as Communications Manager for a Munich-based innovation consultancy and her part-time commitments as a moderator, she trained as a certified business trainer at TAM. Her motto: I love to be a host! She also works as a communication and speaker trainer for individuals and companies. In 2018, she launched her own programme with STAGELOVERS on the topic of feeling good on stage.

Prof. Dr. Anja Karlshaus has been Professor of General Business Administration and Human Resources at CBS International Business School since 2009, where she is Dean of the Department of Business Administration, Corporate Management and Sustainable Management. She studied at the University of Cologne, Santa Clara University in the USA and the European Business School (EBS) in Oestrich Winkel, where she completed her doctorate on the topic of “Strategic Human Resource Management”. In addition to teaching and research, she was employed from 1999 – 2016 in large corporations such as Dresdner Bank, Allianz Group and Commerzbank in the strategic HR area. Anja Karlshaus is a member of various working groups of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the State of NWR and is active as a speaker and trainer on the topics of sustainability, gender and diversity as well as (part-time) leadership and new working models. Her current research focuses on the analysis of flexible working time models for managers, on the topic of gender diversity and on issues in the field of agile management and intercultural competence.

Emily Wigham and Janine Steeger, 23rd of March, 11:00 – 12:30 pm – Discussion about Women in Business, Role Models, and Sustainable Innovation.

Both women worked for more than 20 years as journalists and in the TV business. Since then, both have been involved in sustainability, innovation, fair trade & women in Business. In 2018, Janine Steeger launched the website futurewoman.de to give women a voice in sustainability. In 2020 she launched her book “Going Green: Why you don’t have to be perfect to protect the climate”.

For more information, check out their website: Janine Steeger, Emily Wigham and futurewoman.de.

Yvonne Jamal, founder of Jaro Institute, 29th of April, 5 – 6pm – Discussion about Sustainability and the Women Business World

Yvonne Jamal holds a degree in business administration and has more than 15 years of experience in the tourism industry. She started her professional life as a branch manager of a travel agency and spent several years abroad as an international tour operator. Yvonne’s time at the Maldives and the country’s ecological challenges intensified her interest in sustainability issues. She worked for many years as key account management for large renowned hotel groups and as an entrepreneur in the MICE sector. As a team leader in indirect purchasing at Zalando SE, she was responsible for the introduction of digital travel expense accounting and purchasing solutions and was nominated with her team for the eSolution Award of the German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing, and Logistics (BME) in 2017. To qualify herself in sustainability, she completed the academic further education program “Sustainable Management and CSR” at the University of Rostock.

In 2018, Yonne founded the Jaro Institute which is characterized by the long-standing expertise of its founders. They stand for an interdisciplinary knowledge transfer in sustainable tourism and sustainable procurement as well as the influence of digital developments in these areas. Jaro Institute wants to contribute to achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and to strengthen sustainable education through our work. Our commitment applies to projects and networks worldwide.

For more information about the Jaro institute, click here.

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